Monthly Archives: October 2014

Bhai Dooj 2014


My aunt giving a ‘tika’ to my father

Bhai Dooj 2014

My very finicky sister giving a ‘tika’ to Pratish

Bhai Dooj



Bhai Dooj

Hello to all!

We celebrated Bhai Dooj on Friday. My family and I went to my aunt’s house, where my sister and I gave a ‘tika’ to our cousin brother and my aunt gave a ‘tika’ to my father.

Diwali 2014

Our Mandir


Hello to all my friends!!!

Happy Diwali to all of you. I know its a bit late, but can’t help!! Diwali parties, Bhai dooj, etc. A very busy week! I enjoyed Diwali with my family by hanging lights all over my house, lighting diyas, making rangolis,etc.