Monthly Archives: September 2014

Maha Shashthi

Me, my sister, Aaron and Alex

Me, my sister, Aaron and Alex

Today was Maha Shashthi. This is the day when Goddess Durga reaches Earth from her heavenly abode. We had a lot of fun and saw the puja where Goddess Durga’s face got revealed. We drank juice and coke and saw some performances.


Me and my aunt

Me and my aunt

Yesterday, Durga Puja, the festival every Bengali waits for, started. It started with Anandamela, where we put up stalls and sold food. Any type of food is allowed. I was selling mutton chops and it was a lot of fun.


Me and my sister-presently


Hi everybody!! My name is Diksha. I have a younger sister named Mrittika who always supports me, a family who loves us both more than anything in the world and a dog named Simba. He is only 6 months old and is hence, is a puppy.

The Three of Us in San Diego….

sandeigo-08 106

When my sister and I were small, we had all gone to San Diego. The San Diego Zoo over there, is one of the most famous  zoos in the world. It had so many species of wild animals, that it was unbelievable, specially for me, as I was very young that time.

Me and my sister- Years ago…..

Me and my sister

When we returned from US in 2008..we organized my sister’s Annaprasan. The photographer was great to capture her million dollar smile. I look good too..


Hi! The three of us, who are Jayatu, Mrittika and Diksha, are starting a blog! This is the first time we are starting a blog…. so I think we will enjoy  blogging and so will you reading it!!!!!!

                 (P.S. DJ actually stands for Diksha and Jayatu!)
